Flexclicks Inc. Apps

Spacelance - Virtual Office Solutions for Stratups
Spacelance offers Flexible office spaces and Virtual Offices inBangalore, Kochi, Pune and Chennai in India. The Virtual Addresscan be published on your website, business cards and stationery andso on. It will give your business a new identity. We offer virtualphone number, live receptionist service as well. We can evenforward your mails to your physical address and deposit chequesfrom your clients to your local bank account. We also offerCo-working Space in Bangalore, Kochi, Chennai and Pune. Get thefollowing services in the app : Subscribe to a Virtual Office inBangalore, Virtual Office in Chennai, Virtual Office in Pune orVirtual Office in Kochi. Rent a Co-working Space in Bangalore,Coworking Space in Chennai, Coworking Space in Pune or a CoworkingSpace in Kochi for your business. Book Meeting and Conference Roomsfor rent in the above cities. Use the Virtual address for GSTRegistration in Bangalore, Kochi, Pune, Chennai. Use the Virtualaddress for Company Registration. Get a Virtual Receptionist foryour business. Get a Virtual Phone number with IVR, WelcomeGreeting, Call recording etc. Have your Call Answered by a femalerepresentative in your company name. This Live Receptionist servicewill be available during normal business hours only. Get anInterview Space in Bangalore , Chennai, Kochi or Pune. Rent a SkypeCalling facility for your interviews etc. Spacelance is one of thepioneers in Flexible Office Space Service Since 2012.
TailorMate - App for Tailors 2.4.3
App for Tailoring Shops and Boutique to Manage Orders,Measurements, Customers
Dressmate - Customer's App for
Dressmate is an App for tracking Tailoring Orders from TailorMate